Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 6 on Slow Carb

I still feel amazing on this diet!  I've had some hunger pangs at work, but I remedied that with water and an apple. I know fruit isn't allowed, but it's my life and if I want an apple (or banana), I'll have an apple!

In terms of willpower, I've done very well! We had sandwiches at work and I respectfully declined and ate my own West Indies chicken leftovers.  I'm not really "craving" anything, so I feel that this is a very sustainable diet.  I am looking forward to my cheat day tomorrow because I have a feeling it's going to be a huge eye opener.  The apple (and bananas) I've had this week have tasted incredibly sweet and I actually understand what an apple and banana are supposed to taste like.

Friday afternoon was the hardest because typically, the end of the work-week means pig out time!  That adjustment has been difficult, but remembering what the goal is and having will-power and self-control is the key.

Since my last post, I've joined pinterest and am now obsessed with that.  There are a lot of good ideas for anything on there!  

I've made a few recipes including an easy, steak, spinach, black bean, steak, avocado and tomato salad. Breakfast was a black bean, tomato and avocado egg/egg white omelette.

Workouts have been going well too, so I definitely think this is a sustainable life style; at least as of day 6 it is!  Hard to believe, I've kept up 6 days on one diet! Let's do this!

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