Sunday, May 5, 2013

Slow Carb Time! or You CAN diet!

In an attempt to become healthier and take control of my eating, I decided to use May as a time to drop some pounds and gain some muscle with an ambitious diet.  What does this post have to do with making something at home? Everything! You CAN make diet food at home! You don't have to rely on pre-packaged frozen meals to make sure you eat correctly. 

After a google search of "lose 20 pounds in one month" I came across this website from the 4 hour workweek.  After reading the quick one page article about how you just mix and match foods from 3 categories, you can take control of your eating habits.   

The 3 categories are:
Egg whites with one whole egg for flavor
Chicken breast or thigh
Grass-fed organic beef
Pork ( I don't like pork though)

Black beans
Pinto beans
Mixed vegetables (no corn! corn has too much sugar)

Cauliflower, Broccoli
It sounds so easy! Eat what you want, cheat one day and lose weight! You can't fail! At least, I hope you can't.  So for the month of May, I'm going to try this and see what happens.  I'm adding exercise as well, just for good measure.  My workout will include weight lifting and cardio (treadmill and stationary bike) with a 5k on May 11*.  Can I do it? Let's find out what happens!

*After jogging for the first time in months the Monday before the race, I decided that I wouldn't have a finishing time I was happy with and didn't feel like parting with $25 to find that out. 

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